Thursday, September 19, 2013

Helping your ADHD child succeed in school - Tips for Parents

I am happy to be joining Sherry Clarke of Clarke Coaching as a co-author on her blog.  This month we shared tips for how parents can help their ADHD kids in school.  As both an ADHD Mom and Parent I know school can sometimes be a struggle, these practical tips can make a difference.


School is back in session across the nation and today we are sharing a few ways parents can help ADHD child do well in school.

Exercise – Physical Activity
Children and adults with ADHD need to move.  Physical activity is good for everyone; however, those with ADHD have an even higher need for regular activity in order to focus. They need physical stimulus and activity regularly.  Unfortunately, one thing many schools are cutting back on is recess time and physical education classes. Often this equals your ADHD child coming home after sitting for most of his school day, which can cause tantrums and other negative behaviors.  This also often triggers fights about homework, because the last thing an ADHD child wants to do is sit for another even five minutes.  After- school sports, martial arts, dance, running around in the backyard or jumping on the trampoline are great ways to help your ADHD child decompress after school and actually increase his or her ability to focus again when it is time for homework.   Since they are engaged in structured time all day at school, it is very helpful for them to “just free play.”   ADHD Expert and Author Dr. John Ratey explains “Exercise is like medication…  Exercise turns on the attention system, the so-called executive functions — sequencing, working memory, prioritizing, inhibiting, and sustaining attention. On a practical level, it causes kids to be less impulsive, which makes them more primed to learn.”

1 comment:

  1. My son just started middle school and he was diagnosed with ADD. Another forum encouraged trying the INK for All productivity tool. He is able to really focus when he works with it. I wanted let other moms know about it here:
